STARFirmware Error: Squeeze drive initialization failed

the firmware command should be xs00420xd1yh1203za2290ze2450 (like it is when generated by venus) and as far as i can see on plr:main it is that.

could you share the output of git rev-parse HEAD run in your clone of the pylabrobot repo?

you mentioned that you changed the y location. did you change the x-location as well? xd1 means to search left of the origin, and xs2520 means 252mm (2.5) left of the origin, which is definitely outside the frame of the robot. As you can see above, it should be 42.0mm (420 [0.1mm]). xs2520 was actually the location before the fix i pushed this morning (fix 96 head trash · PyLabRobot/pylabrobot@bad8f01 · GitHub)

sometimes the firmware error messages are a bit confusing. it could be that this incorrect location gives the “squeezer drive error”