Liquid detection problem in EVO200 aspirating

We first tested the water aspirate, but there were always two Tecan errors, (‘Not enough liquid’, ‘C5’, 11) or (‘No liquid detected’, ‘C5’, 9), so we test water aspirate command with EVOware and it worked. So we tried again under the same condition, we connect VScode on computer, still (‘Not enough liquid’, ‘C5’, 11), then add water, turn to (‘No liquid detected’, ‘C5’, 9). That’s really weird :innocent:

could you share the firmware trace from evoware?

Program Data \ Tecan \ LoggingServer \ LogFiles \ Version \ yourfile.xml

i want to know what the difference is between firmware commands evo sends and what plr does

unfortunately i haven’t used the evo backend in a while, it was originally written by another person, and i don’t have access to an evo right now, so bear with me :smile:

These are pics of the log files which execute ‘Detect Liquid-Asiperate-Dispense’.

EVO_20250214_105657.LOG.pdf (19.6 KB)
Sorry this is the complete LogFile, better to read.

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Hi Rick,
Last time we asked you about your problem, we have found the cause and solution. The reason is that during initialization, the liquid on the tips was not completely wiped off, causing the sensor to be unable to detect the density difference between liquid and air. The solution is to add aspirate_breakoff=200 to the file in the backends folder, so you don’t need to manually wipe the water drops on the tips.

nice! do you want to make a pull request for this?

We are not sure whether this will cause errors in other steps later. We hope to push the code after solving the subdevice error.

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