Mismatched mixing parameters for aspirate + dispense

I’m making a method using the 96 head on the STARlet and noticed that the parameters for mixing do not match up in the backend, which made writing it initially a bit confusing.

For example, in the STAR backend API, the lh.aspirate96 method takes in mix_volume while lh.dispense96 takes in mixing_volume.

Similarly, there are differences for the 96 head vs the 8-span: lh.aspirate takes in mix_speed while lh.aspirate96 takes in speed_of_mix

Is this on the PLR side or on the Hamilton backend side?

initially i named the parameters after the firmware documentation, but that was a bad choice. they should just have logical and consistent names. feel free to rename these parameters and submit a pr :slight_smile:

Cool - so it is a Hamilton documentation issue :smile:

I’ll add this as a todo for myself


ehh it’s my responsibility to make plr nice

thanks! lmk if i can help with fixing this!

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