Plr & ot

Got it captain. I’ll try to do custom calibration.

btw, this was the thing I was working on. It doesn’t take much of the imagination to see how PLR is important in realizing that dream!


@koeng your server should work with the flex right? perhaps someone will need to pr some extra stuff eg for the arm

yeah it should work with the flex, but I have no way to check to verify.

Question on the coding side, just to confirm:

  1. The API should just be locations (x,y,z in mm) with aspirate, dispense, pick_up_tip, drop_tip, home
  2. On the PLR side, where exactly do I define the deck layout?
  3. The API should also have a calibrate function so we can make offsets for PLR to use. Offsets + deck layout + (internal PLR) labware == xyz positions, pass to API

multiple people are interested in developing the Flex. Obviously not work for you to do, just wanted to double check that this approach works. I told them to use the forum when they get started.

yes (does home take a param at all?)

Using the OTDeck class and the rest of the Resource model. Docs are here:

Unfortunately, I don’t think we really have a complete example for OT scripts. Briefly, you’d say

lh = LiquidHandler(backend=ot, deck=OTDeck())
plate = CellVis_96_wellplate_350uL_Fb(name="unique")
lh.deck.assign_child_resource(plate, slot=1)

If we had some anchor on the deck (like the + sign on slot 1 iirc), we could use that for calibration of the OT itself. As long as that stays consistent (eg “ot move to +” doesn’t drift over time - it sounds like that’s the case), we should be able to manage the rest in the plr resource model.