Questions regarding the Vspin centrifuge

Hi, we have a Vspin in the lab and would like to use it with pylabrobot.
We are having some issues with the setup.

I have followed the guides up to running the python setup. We are getting a constant timeout message after running the script. The example one at the end of the Vspin setup, I put a async function around it. Any ideas why this is happening?

Also is support for the loader planned? I don’t see any functions for the loader.

Thanks in advance

Could you share a trace of the error you’re getting? also I will verify on one of our centrifuges if this works

loader is implemented but not documented yet: add VSpin Access2 Loader by rickwierenga · Pull Request #308 · PyLabRobot/pylabrobot · GitHub. I’ll write a doc

Sorry for the bad image, it’s after pressing run it’s just ending. Before we also saw it display a connection timeout really quickly, one after the other.

in this case i don’t see any error? it seems the program ran successfully

It’s just printing this really quickly

The device seems to be communicating. However nothing is actually happening.

I have both loader and centrifuge. Should I disconnect the loader? If not, which com cable should I use

trivial question: are you using the right device ids for the centrifuge and loader? See device_id param of the backends. You can find device ids using python3 -m pylibftdi.examples.list_devices, plugging in one device after the other.