The stack trace is pretty long, but I’ll add it here:
TimeoutError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 1
----> 1 await execute_second_dilutions_run(lh, tip_gen_300, tip_gen_1000)
File ~/code/labauto/src/labauto/dilutions/, in execute_second_dilutions_run(lh, tip_gen_300, tip_gen_1000)
233 reservoir_side = dilution_info["side"]
234 diluent_source_plate = lh.deck.get_resource(DILUENT_SOURCE_PLATE)
--> 236 await execute_serial_dilutions(lh, transfer_plate, diluent_source_plate, reservoir_side, tip_gen_1000, tip_gen_300)
File ~/code/labauto/src/labauto/dilutions/, in execute_serial_dilutions(lh, transfer_plate, diluent_source_plate, reservoir_side, tip_gen_1000, tip_gen_300)
160 destination_well = transfer_plate[f"A{i + destination_offset}"]
162 # Transfer the sample
--> 163 await handle_volumes(lh, transfer_split, transfer_source_well, destination_well, tip_gen_1000, tip_gen_300)
165 # Add diluent
166 await handle_volumes(lh, diluent_split, diluent_source_well, destination_well, tip_gen_1000, tip_gen_300)
File ~/code/labauto/src/labauto/dilutions/, in handle_volumes(lh, volumes, source, destination, tip_gen_1000, tip_gen_300)
110 volumes_300 = [volume for volume in volumes if volume <= 300 and volume != 0]
112 # Moves volumes with 1000 uL tips and then 300 uL tips
--> 113 await move_volumes(lh, volumes_1000, source, destination, tip_gen_1000)
114 await move_volumes(lh, volumes_300, source, destination, tip_gen_300)
File ~/code/labauto/src/labauto/dilutions/, in move_volumes(lh, volumes, source, destination, tip_gen)
89 await lh.pick_up_tips(tips)
90 await lh.aspirate(source * num_tips, volumes[:num_tips])
---> 91 await lh.dispense(destination * num_tips, volumes[:num_tips])
92 await lh.discard_tips()
93 volumes = volumes[num_tips:]
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/machines/, in need_setup_finished.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
33 if not self.setup_finished:
34 raise RuntimeError("The setup has not finished. See `setup`.")
---> 35 return await func(*args, **kwargs)
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/, in LiquidHandler.dispense(self, resources, vols, use_channels, flow_rates, offsets, liquid_height, blow_out_air_volume, **backend_kwargs)
1122 self._blow_out_air_volume = None
1124 # trigger callback
-> 1125 self._trigger_callback(
1126 "dispense",
1127 liquid_handler=self,
1128 operations=dispenses,
1129 use_channels=use_channels,
1130 error=error,
1131 **backend_kwargs,
1132 )
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/, in LiquidHandler._trigger_callback(self, method_name, error, *args, **kwargs)
2175 callback(self, *args, error=error, **kwargs)
2176 elif error is not None:
-> 2177 raise error
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/, in LiquidHandler.dispense(self, resources, vols, use_channels, flow_rates, offsets, liquid_height, blow_out_air_volume, **backend_kwargs)
1103 error: Optional[Exception] = None
1104 try:
-> 1105 await self.backend.dispense(ops=dispenses, use_channels=use_channels, **backend_kwargs)
1106 except Exception as e:
1107 error = e
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/backends/hamilton/, in STAR.dispense(self, ops, use_channels, lld_search_height, liquid_surface_no_lld, dispensing_mode, pull_out_distance_transport_air, second_section_height, second_section_ratio, minimum_height, immersion_depth, immersion_depth_direction, surface_following_distance, cut_off_speed, stop_back_volume, transport_air_volume, lld_mode, dispense_position_above_z_touch_off, gamma_lld_sensitivity, dp_lld_sensitivity, swap_speed, settling_time, mix_volume, mix_cycles, mix_position_from_liquid_surface, mix_speed, mix_surface_following_distance, limit_curve_index, minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command, min_z_endpos, side_touch_off_distance, hamilton_liquid_classes, jet, blow_out, empty)
2083 limit_curve_index = _fill_in_defaults(limit_curve_index, [0] * n)
2085 try:
-> 2086 ret = await self.dispense_pip(
2087 tip_pattern=channels_involved,
2088 x_positions=x_positions,
2089 y_positions=y_positions,
2090 dispensing_mode=dispensing_modes,
2091 dispense_volumes=[round(vol * 10) for vol in volumes],
2092 lld_search_height=[round(lsh * 10) for lsh in lld_search_height],
2093 liquid_surface_no_lld=[round(ls * 10) for ls in liquid_surfaces_no_lld],
2094 pull_out_distance_transport_air=[round(po * 10) for po in pull_out_distance_transport_air],
2095 second_section_height=[round(sh * 10) for sh in second_section_height],
2096 second_section_ratio=[round(sr * 10) for sr in second_section_ratio],
2097 minimum_height=[round(mh * 10) for mh in minimum_height],
2098 immersion_depth=[round(id_ * 10) for id_ in immersion_depth], # [0, 0]
2099 immersion_depth_direction=immersion_depth_direction,
2100 surface_following_distance=[round(sfd * 10) for sfd in surface_following_distance],
2101 dispense_speed=[round(fr * 10) for fr in flow_rates],
2102 cut_off_speed=[round(cs * 10) for cs in cut_off_speed],
2103 stop_back_volume=[round(sbv * 10) for sbv in stop_back_volume],
2104 transport_air_volume=[round(tav * 10) for tav in transport_air_volume],
2105 blow_out_air_volume=[round(boa * 10) for boa in blow_out_air_volumes],
2106 lld_mode=[mode.value for mode in lld_mode],
2107 dispense_position_above_z_touch_off=[
2108 round(dp * 10) for dp in dispense_position_above_z_touch_off
2109 ],
2110 gamma_lld_sensitivity=gamma_lld_sensitivity,
2111 dp_lld_sensitivity=dp_lld_sensitivity,
2112 swap_speed=[round(ss * 10) for ss in swap_speed],
2113 settling_time=[round(st * 10) for st in settling_time],
2114 mix_volume=[round(mv * 10) for mv in mix_volume],
2115 mix_cycles=mix_cycles,
2116 mix_position_from_liquid_surface=[
2117 round(mp * 10) for mp in mix_position_from_liquid_surface
2118 ],
2119 mix_speed=[round(ms * 10) for ms in mix_speed],
2120 mix_surface_following_distance=[
2121 round(msfd * 10) for msfd in mix_surface_following_distance
2122 ],
2123 limit_curve_index=limit_curve_index,
2124 minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command=round(
2125 (minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command or self._traversal_height) * 10
2126 ),
2127 min_z_endpos=round((min_z_endpos or self._traversal_height) * 10),
2128 side_touch_off_distance=side_touch_off_distance,
2129 )
2130 except STARFirmwareError as e:
2131 if plr_e := convert_star_firmware_error_to_plr_error(e):
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/backends/hamilton/, in need_iswap_parked.<locals>.wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
89 if self.iswap_installed and not self.iswap_parked:
90 await self.park_iswap(
91 minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command=int(self._traversal_height * 10)
92 )
---> 94 result = await method(self, *args, **kwargs)
96 return result
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/backends/hamilton/, in STAR.dispense_pip(self, tip_pattern, dispensing_mode, x_positions, y_positions, minimum_height, lld_search_height, liquid_surface_no_lld, pull_out_distance_transport_air, immersion_depth, immersion_depth_direction, surface_following_distance, second_section_height, second_section_ratio, minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command, min_z_endpos, dispense_volumes, dispense_speed, cut_off_speed, stop_back_volume, transport_air_volume, blow_out_air_volume, lld_mode, side_touch_off_distance, dispense_position_above_z_touch_off, gamma_lld_sensitivity, dp_lld_sensitivity, swap_speed, settling_time, mix_volume, mix_cycles, mix_position_from_liquid_surface, mix_speed, mix_surface_following_distance, limit_curve_index, tadm_algorithm, recording_mode)
4524 assert any(
4525 0 <= x <= 999 for x in limit_curve_index
4526 ), "limit_curve_index must be between 0 and 999"
4527 assert 0 <= recording_mode <= 2, "recording_mode must be between 0 and 2"
-> 4529 return await self.send_command(
4530 module="C0",
4531 command="DS",
4532 tip_pattern=tip_pattern,
4533 read_timeout=max(60, self.read_timeout),
4534 dm=[f"{dm:01}" for dm in dispensing_mode],
4535 tm=[f"{tm:01}" for tm in tip_pattern],
4536 xp=[f"{xp:05}" for xp in x_positions],
4537 yp=[f"{yp:04}" for yp in y_positions],
4538 zx=[f"{zx:04}" for zx in minimum_height],
4539 lp=[f"{lp:04}" for lp in lld_search_height],
4540 zl=[f"{zl:04}" for zl in liquid_surface_no_lld],
4541 po=[f"{po:04}" for po in pull_out_distance_transport_air],
4542 ip=[f"{ip:04}" for ip in immersion_depth],
4543 it=[f"{it:01}" for it in immersion_depth_direction],
4544 fp=[f"{fp:04}" for fp in surface_following_distance],
4545 zu=[f"{zu:04}" for zu in second_section_height],
4546 zr=[f"{zr:05}" for zr in second_section_ratio],
4547 th=f"{minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command:04}",
4548 te=f"{min_z_endpos:04}",
4549 dv=[f"{dv:05}" for dv in dispense_volumes],
4550 ds=[f"{ds:04}" for ds in dispense_speed],
4551 ss=[f"{ss:04}" for ss in cut_off_speed],
4552 rv=[f"{rv:03}" for rv in stop_back_volume],
4553 ta=[f"{ta:03}" for ta in transport_air_volume],
4554 ba=[f"{ba:04}" for ba in blow_out_air_volume],
4555 lm=[f"{lm:01}" for lm in lld_mode],
4556 dj=f"{side_touch_off_distance:02}", #
4557 zo=[f"{zo:03}" for zo in dispense_position_above_z_touch_off],
4558 ll=[f"{ll:01}" for ll in gamma_lld_sensitivity],
4559 lv=[f"{lv:01}" for lv in dp_lld_sensitivity],
4560 de=[f"{de:04}" for de in swap_speed],
4561 wt=[f"{wt:02}" for wt in settling_time],
4562 mv=[f"{mv:05}" for mv in mix_volume],
4563 mc=[f"{mc:02}" for mc in mix_cycles],
4564 mp=[f"{mp:03}" for mp in mix_position_from_liquid_surface],
4565 ms=[f"{ms:04}" for ms in mix_speed],
4566 mh=[f"{mh:04}" for mh in mix_surface_following_distance],
4567 gi=[f"{gi:03}" for gi in limit_curve_index],
4568 gj=tadm_algorithm, #
4569 gk=recording_mode, #
4570 )
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/backends/hamilton/, in HamiltonLiquidHandler.send_command(self, module, command, auto_id, tip_pattern, write_timeout, read_timeout, wait, fmt, **kwargs)
224 """Send a firmware command to the Hamilton machine.
226 Args:
239 A dictionary containing the parsed response, or None if no response was read within `timeout`.
240 """
242 cmd, id_ = self._assemble_command(
243 module=module,
244 command=command,
247 **kwargs,
248 )
--> 249 resp = await self._write_and_read_command(
250 id_=id_,
251 cmd=cmd,
252 write_timeout=write_timeout,
253 read_timeout=read_timeout,
254 wait=wait,
255 )
256 if resp is not None and fmt is not None:
257 return self._parse_response(resp, fmt)
File ~/code/pylabrobot/pylabrobot/liquid_handling/backends/hamilton/, in HamiltonLiquidHandler._write_and_read_command(self, id_, cmd, write_timeout, read_timeout, wait)
279 fut = loop.create_future()
280 self._start_reading(id_, loop, fut, cmd, read_timeout)
--> 281 result = await fut
282 return cast(str, result)
TimeoutError: Timeout while waiting for response to command C0DSid0056dm2 2 2 2 2 2&tm1 1 1 1 1 0&xp10184 10184 10184 10184 10184 00000&yp3300 3181 3062 2944 2825 0000&zx1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872&lp2167 2167 2167 2167 2167 2167&zl1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872&po0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100&ip0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&it0 0 0 0 0 0&fp0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&zu0032 0032 0032 0032 0032 0032&zr06180 06180 06180 06180 06180 06180&th2450te2450dv10285 10285 10285 10285 10285 10285&ds1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200&ss0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050&rv000 000 000 000 000 000&ta300 300 300 300 300 300&ba0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&lm0 0 0 0 0 0&dj00zo000 000 000 000 000 000&ll1 1 1 1 1 1&lv1 1 1 1 1 1&de0020 0020 0020 0020 0020 0020&wt10 10 10 10 10 10&mv00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000&mc00 00 00 00 00 00&mp000 000 000 000 000 000&ms0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010&mh0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&gi000 000 000 000 000 000&gj0gk0.
This is the command log where it errored:
INFO:pylabrobot:Sent command: C0DSid0056dm2 2 2 2 2 2&tm1 1 1 1 1 0&xp10184 10184 10184 10184 10184 00000&yp3300 3181 3062 2944 2825 0000&zx1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872&lp2167 2167 2167 2167 2167 2167&zl1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872&po0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100&ip0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&it0 0 0 0 0 0&fp0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&zu0032 0032 0032 0032 0032 0032&zr06180 06180 06180 06180 06180 06180&th2450te2450dv10285 10285 10285 10285 10285 10285&ds1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200&ss0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050&rv000 000 000 000 000 000&ta300 300 300 300 300 300&ba0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&lm0 0 0 0 0 0&dj00zo000 000 000 000 000 000&ll1 1 1 1 1 1&lv1 1 1 1 1 1&de0020 0020 0020 0020 0020 0020&wt10 10 10 10 10 10&mv00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000&mc00 00 00 00 00 00&mp000 000 000 000 000 000&ms0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010&mh0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&gi000 000 000 000 000 000&gj0gk0
WARNING:pylabrobot:Timeout while waiting for response to command C0DSid0056dm2 2 2 2 2 2&tm1 1 1 1 1 0&xp10184 10184 10184 10184 10184 00000&yp3300 3181 3062 2944 2825 0000&zx1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872&lp2167 2167 2167 2167 2167 2167&zl1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872&po0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100&ip0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&it0 0 0 0 0 0&fp0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&zu0032 0032 0032 0032 0032 0032&zr06180 06180 06180 06180 06180 06180&th2450te2450dv10285 10285 10285 10285 10285 10285&ds1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200&ss0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050&rv000 000 000 000 000 000&ta300 300 300 300 300 300&ba0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&lm0 0 0 0 0 0&dj00zo000 000 000 000 000 000&ll1 1 1 1 1 1&lv1 1 1 1 1 1&de0020 0020 0020 0020 0020 0020&wt10 10 10 10 10 10&mv00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000&mc00 00 00 00 00 00&mp000 000 000 000 000 000&ms0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010&mh0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000&gi000 000 000 000 000 000&gj0gk0.