There will surely be more manufacturers than letters, and even less letters than would make sense to assign them. Perhaps no letters, or 3 or 4 if its important to people: EPP, HMTN, AXG, TRS, etc.
What about positive displacement tips?
Its a shame they used L for Low instead of Large, otherwise S/M/L would have been natural for encoding “size”. I don’t think that 300 uL should be called standard, “Medium” or any other word about intermediate size would be more descriptive.
What about 5 mL tips? Would that be size X?
What about larger “tips” like serological pipettes? I guess no one would call them tips although they are just large tips.
I’d suggest something with parts, in this particular order:
I like this format, but I think keeping the format similar to plates makes more sense
That is what Hamilton calls this product. As far as I know, it’s a unique product and definitely a term that people will be searching for given that it’s printed on the box. (volume is printed as numbers, not the l/s/h terms)
Could be a metadata attribute or further documentation inside the docstring maybe?
I agree, PLR should have as consistent a naming-structure across all resources as possible (I know Tip is currently not a subclass of Resource but that’s just a matter of time )
A quote from a different time… but I completely agree with it: definition function names should not be a riddle to solve but completely self-explanatory (or as close to it as possible).
The fact that we’re discussing what “S, M, L, F” means for different people is a testament to their ambiguous meaning.